I’m not fast on my feet. The perfect retort usually dawns on me a day or two late. So I greatly admire people who can wend their way through conversations in fast and furious fashion.
Case in point. Call to the Produce Exchange in the Midtown Global Market in Minneapolis went like this:
Produce Guru: Good afternoon. The Produce Exchange . . .
Dara: Hello. Do you have organic lemons on your shelves at the moment?
PG: We don’t, but I can order a case for you.
D: Hmm. That might be a bit more volume than I can handle.
PG: And we have organic lemon juice in a bottle.
D: Excellent. I hadn’t thought of that. Thank you very much.
PG: Thank you for the call. See you next time.
Two yeses to one no. That’s a pretty good ratio. I respect his rapid-fire synapses and ace customer service. And I’ll remember my options for next time.
Tell me about the creativity you’ve witnessed in customer service. Or talk about some rapidly firing brainiacs you know. How do you get to Yes?